The Arkansas Howler Returns

The Arkansas Howler has returned to his Amherst home. After his time in the hospital spent reflecting on his career, he has vowed to once again smash the world record for loudest human utterance. Hopefully he will be able to maintain his sobriety and well being. He has revealed that an addiction to over-the-counter sleeping aids and caffeine caused him to live dreary, restless days. He described at one point seeing a living tree in the corner of his room as he was falling asleep. After taking another hundred milligrams of benadryl, he fell asleep staring at it. This immediately precipitated his hospitalization, fueling his confrontation with the Amherst Police. His rival, the Saskatchewan Screamer, has wished him a healthy and enjoyable return to the craft. The Howler has yet to publicly acknowledge his rival’s well-wishes. The Times will follow the Howler as he reboots his career.

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