Writer Criticism

Phantom Framer,

Email to The Editors (transcribed in exact form): "hello Dernburger Spankleton,It seems that your little cult has begun to cause a bit of trouble around the campus. This damned newspooper you call news has nothing in common with news.Its more like drugs or something.no,mushrooms perhaps.Dammit,these kids seem to have brian damage after visiting that damned web-pooper.there all fucked up.be warned the local townsfolk are havin a big meetin at the bug building and there awfull mad.just warnin yu all,were gonna run yous outta town.yous and all your weirdo wordsters needs to GETTOUTATOWN"

For more articles by Phantom Framer, click here. To get in touch with this writer, email phantom.framer@surrealtimes.net.


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