Working for The Surreal Times...

Please email if you are interested in any of the following opportunities.

  • Professional Wanderer

    Navigate the world as you so desire. Witness, interpret, and investigate surreal matters of our time. Report on whatever you consider worth reporting. Do your part in keeping the people of our community informed. Read this more in-depth description for more information.

  • Assignment Journalist

    Recieve assignments to cover particular events or topics. Do your reporting. Write stories for The Surreal Times.

  • Copy-editor

    Review articles on the basis of grammar, spelling, and style. Convey your criticisms to writers.

  • Software Developer / Webmaster

    Collaborate with Dernberger Spengleton to run the website and to do miscellaneous software automation tasks.

  • Human Resources Coordinator

    Help us find good people to join us on our mission. Do recruiting. Conduct interviews. Make introductions. Be a people person.

  • Graphic Designer / Artist

    Work with Marina Parella to visually depict these surreal times.

  • Marketing Director

    Contribute to branding efforts. Advertise newspapers, events, and writing opportunities.

  • Distribution Coordinator

    Manage our print distribution process. Makes the news available to people who need it.