Woman Receives Information From Afar

It warmed me when a familiar name graced my inbox last bihex. Yellow Tangerine Gypsy, a citizen of the world, and a citizen of my heart!

YTG came bearing stories of symbols communicated to her through the water creatures in the sky. She had been laying on her back, upon the midday steamy grass, when the dancing cloud beings congregated into an un-entropic arrangement, dispersed outwardly, and congregated again into the original position. Repeating this, it was as though they flashed on-off-on-off until capturing YTG's attention, at which point they remained in place.

The picture was of such novelty, and such improbability, that YTG felt compelled to transcribe it. She scrambled for a pen and a notepad. Her pen was dry, so she searched for another. Anxiously she looked up, afraid that the message would disappear before she had the chance to record it.

She bummed a pen off a climber of the Central Hill, and immediately framed the state of the sky to the best of her ability.

She brandished her work. And, when she looked up again, the arrangement had vanished -- the sky creatures, having returned to their strolling and frolicking. It was as though they knew she had finished transcribing.

The following is one of several symbols communicated to YTG on that day. Can you help YTG and The Surreal Times decode it?

Please deliver your figurings to pia@surrealtimes.net. Clarence Mon at the PIA has pledged to run all code theories through his peripheral intelligence inferring simulator, to see whether they correspond with all peripheral intelligence available to us at this time.

For more articles by Dernberger Spengleton, click here. To get in touch with this writer, email spengleton@surrealtimes.net.


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