Music Review: PC Music, vol 1 By Various Artists

(Search “PC Music” on spotify)

Paul Kleiner,
Times Staff

PC Music, Vol 1 is the first full release by the titular label PC Music. The anthology, like the rest of the label’s releases, likely flew under the collective radar. And that is a shame, because underneath the cotton candy synths is an album with real legs. PC Music is indivisible. Sure, there are a few singles that stand out, but they only really shine when given context. PC Music is best listened to, at least once, start to finish. In that listen-through, you’ll hear super-sweet, high pitched female vocals, jarring, sometimes staccato beats, and a general bubble gum, high fructose corn syrup sound. Genrewise, PC Music is firmly electro pop, and it is tempting to dismiss this album as a bizarre female pop singer, low fi jumble. But listening a little deeper, and a few times over PC Music becomes a deeply cynical collection. “I’ll see you in my dreams,” and “Give it to the girl/ give it to the girl/ give it to the cutest girl,” and “I can’t sleep/ thinking of you and me/ thinking every day/ not going to be okay.” When the lyrics are taken together, they paint a picture of hollow attachment, delusional love, and an unrelenting, shallow, consumerist nihilism. PC Music, with its challenging beats and jarring sound, does take a few listens to sink in. But I am glad I gave it a chance to get its hooks into me. This album is a hydrochloric lollipop. You lick it because it’s sweet, but it burns your tongue. The genius of PC Music is that you keep licking anyway.

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