Zulu Z. Zulu's travels: NYC Bussed Tour

Zulu Z. Zulu,
Times Staff

This is the first article in a series on travel, and other places in the world that Mr. Zulu has visited

NYC Bussed Tour

Go to Port Authority Bus Terminal
and look everyone in the eye.
Unnerve the tourists
and challenge the locals
Relish the sights and smells
of urban and moral decay.

No performances here,
this is the dance of the melting pot
when it’s held at a low simmer
Not allowed to boil and properly mix
and congeal into a singular mass

There are tides, too
more fitting of a toilet
than the ocean. The
clog is inevitable, though
some parts always stay behind.

Next stop up from the bottom
is Penn Station, unless
you’re crossing a river
taking the subway one stop
is a sin. Laziness pools
here before the train
The LIRR is New York’s top
exporter of suburban malaise

Once a polished, marble ode
to the peak of glamorous train travel
and capitalistic glitz it has been reduced
to a dingy strip mall stuffed into a basement,
underneath the muffled stomps and cries
of Spike Lee’s beloved losers

Next stop Staten Island. . .

For more articles by Zulu Z. Zulu, click here. To get in touch with this writer, email zzz@surrealtimes.net.


[Name@Feb.09 6:37am]: Thoughts?


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