Status Of The Realm Of Ideas

Guided thoughts begin… now: Foundational info: my cousin Alfred lives in the “idea realm”. He does not live in the physical realm (where I reside)

Relevant fact: My cousin is skilled in nuanced observation and measurement. Furthermore, he possesses a proprietary method which he uses to communicate his measurements across realms and into my brain.

The juice: The REALM OF IDEAS, whose shape is cosmically and bi-directionally linked to the nature of the thoughts of humans in the physical realm — it appears to be morphing into a peculiar form. In the “past”, we have seen the idea realm narrow or expand, or develop gaps. Today there is evidence showing that the idea realm warping into a checkerboard-like shape, one in which every square is a pyramid (with a high point in the middle). This corresponds to people in the PHYSICAL REALM experiencing “quantized” thoughts (more ‘multiple choice’, as opposed to analog).

Maybe you have observed this in your mental travels.

Remaining unknowns: The direction of causation here, if it exists, is not evident. We also do not know if trans-realm gravitation fields exist.

How to react: Attempt to analog-ize the world whenever possible. Sometimes, paradoxically, this involves avoiding compressionistic-type analogies and advice such as mine.


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