Synchronicities As A Service

Life too boring nowadays? Experiencing a lack of surprises or interesting happenings?

Look no further -- Pick up your phone and call 978-333-3656 and ask for “synchronicities as a service”. A representative will ask you a bit about yourself. They will also ask for some expected times and places where you might be available. Ideally, you will give them a wide range of possible times and places, so that they have ample possibilities to add flavor to your life when it is least expected.

The company does not allow you to choose your specific synchronicity, because that would defeat the point and remove all the wonder. But, one can imagine the myriad of possible synchronicities injected into your day to day. For example, you might find yourself driving behind a car with a license plate with your birth date on it.

Or, you might meet two different people on the same day, each with the same name and each who tell you that your aqua-metallic aura reminds them of their mother.

Or, you might find a gravestone with your name on it and a handwritten note on top that says, “Now that the world believes you are gone, you can be anyone you’d like.“

Terms and conditions:

No returns or cancellations of synchronicities are permitted at this time. Full commitment is part of the customer experience.

You may not get confirmation about whether a given synchronicity in your life was the one you paid for or not. You may theorize, but never be certain, which synchronicities were artificial and which were naturally occuring. All synchronicities come at a fixed price (call to find out).

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