The Mechanical Fellow: As The Humans By The Pond Stalk, With The Tiny People I Will Talk

The television-headed cyborg from the future, the Mechanical Fellow, has announced that he will use his electronic senses to open a channel of communication with the microscopic seafarers in Puffer’s pond. The Fellow sees a clear similarity between his straits and those of the sailors:

“In the land of circuits and wires, I see one lit only by fires.”

Presently, college students pace the pond, using magnifying glasses and microscopes in attempts to locate the seafarers.

“As humans by the pond stalk, With the tiny people, I will talk.”

And indeed the Mechanical Fellow does talk. At levels too low for humans to discern, the Fellow converses using his microphones and speakers.

“They tell of me of Santy Anno, How do they know such a fellow?”

The Metal Fellow is referring to the sea shanty Santy Anno, which dates to 1850s. The song is a loosely chronicles the Mexican-American War. Santy Anno was generally a capstan shanty. A capstan is essentially a large wooden wheel turned by multiple sailors as an alternative to manually pulling ropes. As the sailors turned, they would sing to synchronize their movement and pass the time.

As with most shanties, many versions exist. The shantyman who led the call and response would typically improvise or incorporate different versions. Some versions are based around the California Gold Rush. Most have to do with Santa Anna, whether it be glorifying him, vilifying him, or remarking about his peg leg.

Oh, shellbacks have you heard the news, Heave away Santy Anno Yankees took Veracruz On the plains of Mexico … Oh Santy Anno had a wooden leg Heave away Santy Anno Swore it for a wooden peg On the plains of Mexico Oh Santy Anno fought for fame Heave away Santy Anno That is why we sing his name On the plains of Mexico

It is likely that American sailors sang glorifying General Taylor, Santa Annos American counterpart. British sailors, some of whom may have fought for Santa Anno, turned the tables and praised the Mexican forces:

O! Santiann gained the day Away Santianna! And Santianna gained the day All across the plains of Mexico! H gain’d the day Moll-Del-Rey Away Santianna! An’ General Taylor ran away All across the plains of Mexico

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