Questions: Would you Rather?
Our minds are turning to mush, dulled by the constant stream of pointless YouTube videos and mindless tweets. Human interaction is at an all-time low. Our critical thinking skills are essentially non-existent. Research on prisoners and astronauts who experienced extended periods of isolation has shown that social skills decline from lack of use. Now more than ever, bunkered down in wherever we may be, our ability to connect with others and maintain real-world human relationships is weakening.
So it’s time to sharpen up and answer some deeply revealing psychological questions that really get at the heart of what it means to be human. Call up an old friend, gather your whole family, or just sit outside of your house and call out to the first person who jogs by. Ask them the questions below. Really think hard about them, as if your whole life depended on the right answer. Take it seriously and consider the implications of your answers. Compare your answers with your friends and debate who is correct. What do your answers reveal about your personality, your friend’s personality, and about human nature itself?
Would you rather always shout whenever you speak or constantly be soaking wet with no chance of ever drying off?
Would you rather have a third eye on the back of your head or have antennas on your head that can detect whenever someone tells a lie?
Would you rather never be able to travel outside of a 20-mile bubble around where you are at this exact moment or have elbows and knees that creaks very horribly every time they are hinged?
Would you rather have a neck that is 2 feet long or have fingernails 2 feet long that you can never cut?
Would you rather have an orgasm every ten minutes for the next year or have to pry off all your fingernail with a rusty nail?
Would you rather go on nationally beloved television show “Family Feud” only to answer a question in a terribly embarrassing way that goes viral or meet with your boss/teacher and aggressively try to twerk on them for 10 minutes straight without explanation?
If you were starving and out of options, who would you eat first - mom or dad?
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Placenta And Loneliness, At Least For Now
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