The City Of Jehovah

North of Los Angeles, past the mountains and lakes, lies the city of Jehovah. A city where prostitution is illegal, Jehovah has only two structures: an underground brothel and a prison. As soon as the inmates finish their prison term, they immediately head to the brothel where they are bathed and caressed and cared for like they hadn’t been for a long time. But sooner or later, they are always caught in the brothel and sent back to prison. In reality, it’s not hard for the Jehovah police force to catch these criminals, as there are only two places to go in the entire city. But the policemen always give the inmates a little bit of time to enjoy the brothel before they head straight back to prison. You may ask how long an average prison sentence is for these brothel-goers -- that depends on which position the criminals are caught in while doing the deed in the brothel. But even in the most egregious, immoral, and flat out nasty positions, the prison term never lasts more than a couple of years.
Jehovah is a city where no one has ever left, and no one has the desire to ever leave. All that they have ever known and ever yearned for is contained in this city. They are born in the brothel, grow up in the prison, have kids in the brothel, grow old in the prison, and finally die in the brothel. Generation after generation, the cycle never breaks, and Jehovah continues to maintain order, peace, and contentment.
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