The Mechanical Fellow Should Be An Honorary Organism

The Mechanical Fellow presents an odd challenge to a trained naturalist. Nonetheless, I accept this challenge. Let us, together, try to sort this out.

Is the Mechanical Fellow an organism? Well, he has mechanical organs. He has a central processing unit, a clear analogue to a brain. He can sense damage to himself and recoil, an analogue for pain. He has a, as far as we can tell, an engine of sorts embedded in his chest. While the fuel for this engine is currently unknown, it is an analogue to the digestive system. So we see that the Mechanical Fellow has many of the functions of a proper carbon based organism. Finally, he clearly can speak and emote. I feel, and I suspect I mirror a great many naturalists in saying this, that any assault on the Mechanical Fellow should be considered an assault on a living thing. He is an honorary organism.

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