Wendy Yoon: "I'm doing it for the dreams."
In a widely-viewed viral video today, Wendy Yoon, a member of the Surreal Five, lashed out at a woman harassing her at the Moe’s near Hampshire Mall. The video shows a heavy set woman in her middle age calling across the restaurant, her words unintelligible but directed angrily towards Ms. Yoon. After thirty seconds of this, Ms. Yoon stands up, faces the woman, and rebukes her.
“You people do what you want. I’m here. I’m living my life, I’m living [unintelligible]. So you do you, I’ll do me, and don’t you tell me how to live my life. I’m going to be ninety percent real, okay? That’s real enough. You don’t even know what I’m doing this for.”
[Unintelligible exchange between the two]
[Transcript ends]
The Times will document this history as it unfolds.
See Also
"The Thirteen-second Frequency Will Free Us"
What Professor Ramirez Said to the Surreal Five
Who Exposed the Surreal Five to H-33?
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