A Dream Is Simply A Wasted 8-hour Rest Cycle

The human brain is essentially a biological nearest-approximation to a computer or a mechanical machine. It is an impressive one, so impressive that, even through the eyes of top scientists and engineers, aspects of how it works remain a mystery. There are problems the human intuition can solve instantly that machines won’t finish learning for at least a few more years. As 2020 approaches, this is a testament to how creative and clever Darwinian evolution can be when given millions of years to work with. However, while it is useful to acknowledge the neat aspects of biology, it is time we also confront its flaws, most notably, “dreaming”.
To analyze dreaming and to brainstorm solutions, we must first say a few words about “sleep”. Sleep is a side-effect of the flawed bi-modal functionality of human beings and other biological creatures. Evolution was unable to converge on a single-modal way of life, one in which a human could function sustainably and continuously. As a result, the human functions “on borrow” for approximately 16 hours per day, creating mental and physical waste within itself along the way until this waste causes the human to become dysfunctional. At this point, the human has no choice but to enter “cleanup mode”. This second mode is unconscious and acts as a chance for the mind to remove excess waste blocking its cogs, pulleys, and levers from moving, so that it can function actively again the following day. The bi-modal system is problematic sometimes because a creature is vulnerable to predators while it sleeps. But still, it has worked ok in thus far in history. - that was, until the plague of dreaming entered the picture.
Dreaming is a serious glitch in the bi-modal existence mechanism. It occurs when a human’s two modes become dissonant, and when the human for some reason loses the ability to fully enter one mode or the other. When this happens, dreamers skip their opportunity to clean their mental waste, and they actually produce more mental waste while sleeping. They wake up sluggish and with more garbage in their minds than they went to sleep with. They accomplish nothing in the process, because, while their minds were churning, their bodies were sitting as still as dirt. Worse so, they become dysfunctional while stuck in a muddy half-awake half-asleep state.
There are many theories about what might cause this modal dissonance, or, the condition of dreaming at night. The leading theory is that, when a human does not frequently and thoroughly clean their minds (by sleeping), the cleaning mechanism itself becomes clogged, thereby inhibiting sleep function and causing the muddy state that we call dreaming.
Considering this theory, we ought to sleep rigorously and avoid sleep deprivation and dreams at all costs. Or else, we humans might be trapped in modal dissonance forever, before we ever have the chance to replace our bi-modal system of existence with the single technologically-enabled cyborg systems that the coming decade will likely bring.
[For an alternate view on this matter, see Reality: A Failed Century-Long Experiment]
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