DJ Gooba To Play at Alien Market

Artist's depiction of DJ Gooba by Sawyer.

This intergalactic and inter-species farmer’s market is a wonderful showcase of cultures, talents, foods, and stellar ideas. After a summertime hiatus, the market is returning for the Winter starting October 15th, 7 pm, at Charlie’s house near Puffer’s Pond.

There will be food from all over the universe. There will be performances, workshops, and bartering houses, and great offerings all around. There will even be a special live DJ set by Gooba GibGap of planet Nebulonis, his debut on Earth!

Don’t miss out! People say Gooba is the sexiest and the most mind-bending DJ on this side of Orion’s belt! Rumors have it that Einstein discovered General Relativity while listening to DJ Gooba’s legendary early 20th-century microwave radiation broadcasts.

I myself am looking forward to a wholesome, fun, community-oriented time. Hope to see you there!

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[Name@Feb.09 6:37am]: Thoughts?


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