Journalist's Life Partner Goes Missing
Surreal Times Journalist and Tender to the Grand Conveyor, Dernberger Spengleton, says his life partner has been missing for three days. Mr. Spengleton asked us to put a note out on her behalf.
Note: she is not fond of the public eye. Out of respect for her, even under these extreme circumstances, we will allow her to remain semi-anonymous.
This woman has no eyeballs and typically wears a long, dark-blue gown. She was last seen storming out of the Spengleton apartment in the middle of the night, crying, but with a look of extreme determination on her face.
Mr. Spengleton said that they had been discussing possible methods of helping The Man in The Castle About The World Rotates escape from his inescapable castle. They went to sleep frustrated for lack of good ideas. His partner cried out all of the sudden in the middle of the night, saying she knew how they’d do it, but refusing to explain except for that it would change everything. She left without saying goodbye.
Please relay any information regarding her whereabouts to us or Mr. Spengleton.
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