Strange Contraption Brings Mindfulness
A peculiar occurence

AMHERST, Massachusetts — Just one day prior, I felt oh so frantic checking SPIRE. I closed my eyes, and it felt as though my lids would burst like balloons. “Buffoons!” I yelled at each but one of my clashing internal yearnings! “Baffoons, each of you! Why can’t you do anything right? Why, when given a small palette of simple ingredients, do you mix a potpourri of confusion?”
When along came an hour prior, I did feel rather strong — but regarding what I could not tell you. There was a wide-eyed divine force swinging hammers down from the clouds, pounding me into hardened steel. Being too rough, in the process, it squashed my eyes. Therefore I could not see, what form had become of me.
But, being steel, I was inclined to feel a certain weight. And, being a man of weight, subject I was to a special gravity, the unsealer my fate, the ruffler of my tastes. The pull, embodied by a lanky and worn but energetic Israeli nomad, floated in the Amherst Common, towing a contraption with his goat. I orbited the man, and he pulled me inwards. He saw that I was troubled. So he snatched me from my inertial drift, strapped me crucification-pose into his giant globe-like gyro mechanism, and spun me into a hurricane.
The mechanism resembled that depicted by the photo attached to this article, but allowed for a person to be strapped into the center of the earth.
My poky vision blurred into simplicity. My mane stretched outwards with the centrifugal force. Each but my dearest internal yearning stretched outward too. Their connecting fibers thinned and lengthened, until they snapped, and their payloads floated off into space. Very suddenly, every excess grudge, quagmire, and anxiety in me, was no more. The hurricane, completely and consistently, brought my mind to a point.
Julio the Israeli was a circus man turned mindfulness guru. He came from some place far away, to this place here, in order to find me my peace. And I imagine he has traveled a long ways since. Who knows where he is now. Who knows where he’ll be then or at any time. But, maybe if you’re lucky, you will see him someday — and he will use his circus mechanism, modeled after the mechanics of a globe, to rotate you with such tremendous speed and perfect captivating patternful patternlessness, that your senses and monkey mind give up all hopes of pigeonholing your reality — and liberate you to experience the moment in its true and simple form.
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