Bone Storage Problems
In the world of COVID-19 in 2021, the hot new big idea is bone removal. People far and wide are getting their bones removed in order to prevent movement and disease transmission.
A side effect of this is that hospitals have accumulated excess bones in their storage facilities. So much so, that the bone piles continue to displace patients with other ailments, such as cancer or rotten foot. Sick people are dying because hospital beds are occupied by skeletons.
For legal reasons, hospitals cannot simply dispose of disembodied parts. They are responsible for maintaining bones in perpetuity, so that, if a given patient decides that they want their bones back, the hospital can re-insert them.
Another issue here is that bookkeepers have lost track of whose bones are whose, and as such
We’re in a pickle. The Peripheral Intelligence Agency has some ideas in the works, but we’re looking for suggestions about how to solve this problem. If you have any ideas, please email
As always, To the periphery go the winds of progress…
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