Couple Brings Their Relationship To The Next Level

Two lifeforms in their human bodies felt unfathomable, overflowing love for each other.
Until this moment, their attempts at expressing their feelings over the usual mediums of kissing/hugging/sex/speech had been much like poets trying to communicate over morse code. No mortal act of lovemaking of any form seemed to satisfy their tremendous yearning to feel connected. And so, over decades, Holly and Alex grew frustrated and ready to boil over.
It all came to a cusp on February 26th, when their faces burst off their skulls, and their very essences (that which they really were) released from the emotional blockage of material flesh. The dam toppled. Their noses and cheeks and foreheads and jaws disintegrated into atoms like any other. And the cosmic strings reached out from one skull to the next, interwove and swaddled, intermingled, producing heat and an aroma more lovely than broiled daisy stew. Time slowed to a near stop and the moment was forever and everything, as these souls became one.
Onlookers shedded tears at this most effusive public showing of love. From a distance time was speghetified as the universe’s underlying mechanisms were overwhelmed by sheer infinite purity goodness.
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