Joe: So first things first - how would you describe your hobby to someone who’s never heard of you?... [Continued]...
His credit card didn’t work. His phone couldn’t call. His keys worked, sure, but when he called his work on the land line, they reported something strange. The secretary, Jess, had put him through to his manager, but they had no papers on him. He was puzzled, but it had not yet dawned on him. And so he worked his w... [Continued]...
My Search For Enlightenment in these Forsaken Times
God materializes in the form of a hydroponic farm
I woke up on this most brisk Sunday, to the aroma of fresh morning dew. I was cold. I noticed my comforter had escaped bedside. And I was depressed with fresh memories of our world being forgotten. I couldn’t muster the impetus to fetch my source of warmth. So I curled into the fetal position, and focused my mind. I ... [Continued]...
Mathematicians Speak Out
Details emerge relevant to the foundations of surreality
First came the counting numbers. Then a fellow thought it convenient to include a representation of nothing (0). Eventually some lunatic made the negatives. Logically came the rationals. And life was well and calm until somebody coined the irrationals, opening doors for a spacey Heron to imagine the imaginaries.... [Continued]...