The enigmatic company Deluxe Papa, known primarily for selling server hardware during the dotcom boom, has found success in a new market: vape pods. Deluxe Papa sells pods for many of the most popular vapes, but their pods don’t contain any nicotine. Their new product is marketed under the name Deluxe Papa Mutual H... [Continued]...
I told them this would happen. I told the Chancellor himself I wasn’t capable of managing a goddamned quarantine. But he didn’t listen, both he and those bureaucratic bozos. “You’re the facilities manager, Bill,” they said, “So, do your job. Manage the facilities.”... [Continued]...
I have claimed myself unworthy of indulging in you. I am but a simple apparatus meant for closing an open leather circuit unto itself- myself. Cursed by some misanthropic creator, we are burdened to experience a lucid monologue without the power of parlance. It is anguish that we feel in ourselves upon recognizing our ... [Continued]...
Amherst, MA -- On Sunday, as churchgoers exited their churches, they saw a scene of destruction all across downtown Amherst. In the middle of the 4-way intersection, they observed a ginormous hippopotamus gnawing on two mopeds and a bicycle like a sandwich.... [Continued]...